Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Dear All, pls help my fren, Wanyi!

Could you help me? - Wanyi
(Dear frens, pls call me or Wanyi directly to verify all details before sending any financial goodwill. My email is oripipipi at and contact 92390469. Thank u very much!=)

This the email I sent from my hotmail address (chen_wanyi at

Dear friend,

I am writing to ask your kind help for the illness I am having currently. Even though I have gone through the major operation, there are still some pain on my back and I can't type too long on computer. What happens on me and what I need from you is written in the attached poster, which is designed by my supervisor, Assoc Prof Chia Wai Mun. If you need more information about my illness, you can call me via (+65) 97651393. I will give you more details. Thank you very much.

My OCBC bank account:
Name: Chen Wanyi
Account: 5379028474

Chen Wanyi




我曾经是一名在南大的本科生,现在是在南大 的人文社会科学学院(HSS)学习经济的一年级博士生。在经历了半年之久的背痛以及在近一个月内的连续五次的摔跤,我被诊 断为脊髓肿瘤。因为肿瘤已经严重挤压了我的脊髓,以至伤到了腿神经,医生在我就诊的第二天实施了开脊椎取肿瘤的手术。肿瘤 是从脊髓内向外长出,医生只取出了在脊髓外的足足有10厘米长的肿瘤,但是在髓内的肿瘤却没能取出,因为医生怕伤害到我的神经,引 发瘫痪。对于没能取出的肿瘤,我还需要做28次的放疗来消除它们。

现在我已经出院在家休养,并且也在等待医院给我接 下来的放疗安排。我的行走在和手术前比起来,好了很多。但是下肢的部分麻木还是没有消失。另外,在这次手术中,医生在我的 脊椎上打下了三颗钛合金的钉子来固定我的脊椎,所以现在背部还是会有些疼痛。所有的这些手术后痛苦,都是我可以承受的, 但是巨额的手术费是让人头疼的事情。我的教授为了让我能安心养病,在她繁忙的工作中抽出时间自己一个人设计募捐海报、联系 学校为我开展募捐的行动,但是这个活动一直受到阻碍,迟迟不能开始。现在我的教授因过度劳累,也承受着背痛的痛苦。看着教授为我操 劳,我也想用自己的努力来获取大家的帮助,所以写下这封信。

希望大家能伸出援助之手,给予我经济上的援助。如果大家 在经济学习方面(HE191 principal of Economics) 有任何问题,在康复之后,我都会尽力为你们解答。我的邮件地址是 谢谢大家。


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

To Kill A Mockingbird...

I caught a local play To Kill A Mockingbird by Toy Factory Productions on last tuesday. I got the premium ticket at a good price using OCBC credit card (I realise there is usually a discount for local productions using OCBC credit card=) Unfortunately I could not find any kakis to accompany me. So as I sat there alone, I can't help feeling sian as the 2 seats to the left and right of me were occupied with a couple... hahah=P But the performance more than make up for it!=)

I first got in touch with this book through my secondary days. English literature text in secondary 2. Ganna forced to read hahha. As I continued reading the book as part of my curriculum, I found it to be very good and was mesmerised by it! Here is a synopsis:

Surprising I could remember how the story unfolded in the next scene as the play progressed after so many years! (must be a result of reading it too many times for examination during secondary 2 haha) The props were minimal with chairs being the main ones!!! haha. Maybe the director does not want the audience to be distracted by fancy props and missed the morals of the story.

Another interesting thing was one of the main actors fell sick suddenly and a replacement actor was tasked with his job. Obviously as it was a last minute arrangement, the replacement actor did not have the time ti memorise the script. So it looked really weird when he was reading from the script hahah.

As the play neared the end with Boo Radley, the mysterious character in the story appearing to save the day, my eyes started to tear slightly. I was not sure of the reasons. Maybe because it brought back nolstagic memories. Maybe because of the strong morals of the story. Maybe.....=)

PS: Surf for interesting plays and muscials now!;P

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Toastmasters Competent Communicator Project 1: The Ice Breaker

I did my first speech on friday. I was to introduce myself to the club so they might know me better=) The main objectives of Project 1 are to begin speaking before an audience and to discover speaking skills I already have & skills that need attention.

I finished preparing my speech only the nite before the actual presentation day! Spent abt 2hrs+ at NUS racking my brains... I wasn't satisfied with the final piece but what could one expect from last min work haha... I read thru the speech to make sure it met the min time designated (the time given is 4-6mins) and as it was already quite late, I decided to practise more tomorrow. Unfortunately while I planned to practise for at least 1.5hrs, I end up with only half an hr after I finished the day's other important activities. You can imagine the stress I'm going thru... haha

Judgement time.

I started off the speech quite well but I must admit it didn't quite fulfill my expectation of the audience's response at my initial ice-breaker joke ie the 2 main purposes. I suspected that affect me a bit and coupled with the fact that I wasn't very familiar with the content of my speech, my presentation started to quiver. The link from one point to another wasn't obvious and strong. As I could not link smoothly (I need to refer to my cue cards a few times), I started to get nervous and all the forbidden words like "Er" and "Ah" came out, though I was aware and tried to limit theri existence.

Evaluation time.

My evaluator who was both a Competent Communicator and Leader (accolades of mastery in TM) congratulated me on fulfilling the objectives of Project 1. She found my speech to be loud, audible and humourous. Unfortunately there were some signs of nervousness as I was swaying slighty. My organization and linkage of my speech needs to be improved as mentioned above. She also commented on using smaller cue cards (I really laugh at this one haha).

So Ladies & Gentlemen, presenting the very raw form of my script. Enjoy!

"Good evening, Toastmaster of the Evening, Ladies and Gentlemen.

Tonight I would like you to know a little bit more about me and in the process, I hope to achieve 2 main purposes:

Purpose Number One: All the single and available girls in this room would find me likeable and not reject me when I ask you for your mobile number.
And Purpose Number Two: All the eligible bachelors in this room would take pity on me and not vie with me for the girls!

Yes, this is one characteristics of me. I would really like to crack jokes as I feel it lightens up the atmosphere and helps to break the ice. Speaking of ice which has the characteristics of being cold, how about this one? Why does Mr A throw the clock out of the window? Because he wants to see Time Flies… Very cold… This is a cold joke.

But more often than not, most people would know me as the friendly introvert who don’t talk much and always end up as a listener in a conversation. Someone who would be contented just to indulge in musical plays and nostalgic music. I think this could be due partly to my religion, Buddhism which asks us to look inward more than outward.

I started practising Buddhism when I left junior college. Well…You know… The time when a hot-blooded teenage guy is looking for answers to his problems and life. However the more significant event in my spiritual path was when I ordained as a novice monk in Malaysia after I graduated from university. I shaved off my hair. For your information. My hair was not this short when I first graduated from university. My fringe reached my jaw literally and I looked just like any gangster from the movie Young and Dangerous. But like what my friend likes to say I am a kind-hearted gangster. Coming back, besides shaving my hair, I also have to don the saffron robes representative of a disciple of the Buddha. Life is very simple. No American Idol, no Jay Chou. Wake up at 430am in the morning and sleep at 10pm. Eat 2 meals a day before noon time. The rest is all cultivation, mainly in the form of formal meditation and mindfulness in whatever I am doing. Well… I sort of miss those days really…

However there is another side to me; one part which cannot sit still and constantly want to try new things. To challenge and improve myself. Take for example: I joined NUS Rovers in my final year to attempt to scale the highest peak in West Malaysia: Gunung Tahan. As the mountain name implies, you really must be able to tahan the steep ascent up the mountain. It was really challenging both physically and mentally but also lots of fun! And through the process, I came to enjoy a short fame in NUS Rover as “The guy with 2 underwears”. In view that some of you may be underage, it would be best that I don’t reveal much here…

Another more recent incident was to go racing in Pasir Gudan, Johor with my friends and I almostcould not make it back! The story went like this: after a few rounds driving as if I am on Singapore expressway ie 90km/hr, I imagined myself to be Michael Schumichael and stepped on the accelerator like petrol is really cheap in Singapore! Unfortunately I did not brake enough at a turn and my car literally flew off the track and into the sand pits! Fortunatey my car did not overturn but my new car had sustainable scratches on the right side which cost me a few hundred bucks to repair. At those few moments, my breathing really stopped.

I am currently working as a financial planner with an independent financial advisory company for about 6 years. The job encompasses some of the characterisitics which are in line with my attributes as mentioned above. Challenging: Sales is definitely not my cup of tea as an introvert. What more I need to start with zero income and slowly build it up to reach the level a graduate would earn for a entry level job in society. But it was also balanced nicely with attribute that I like to help people.

And the latest addition to my challenge list is to conquer NUS Alumni Toastmasters;P

Ladies and Gentlemen, let us recap our main purposes for this session in case u‘ve forgotten:
Purpose No 1: Ladies, do not recall my request for yr mobile no when approached.
Purpose No 2: Gentlemen, help yr poor brother here!"

And here is recognition of completing Project 1.

With more preparation, I'm going to ace Project 2!;)