Friday, August 14, 2009

Back with a Vengeance & First Attempt at catching a Meteor Shower!

Hihi It's been quite a while! hahaha. I'm back! Hopefully for long...=P

First topic after return would be ... (tata) Perseid Meteor Shower! Ok, Perseid 101:

What are the Perseids? Every year in August, the Earth passes through rock and dust fragments left behind by the comet Swift-Tuttle, last time it came near the Sun. As these small particles collide with the Earth’s atmosphere, they burn-up, often creating a startling streak of light across the sky.It is one of the most famous of all meteor showers due to its consistency to provide an impressive display.
(Extracted from

I went on wed ard 2130hrs to Changi Beach hoping to catch a glimpse of this spectacular sight (though I have heard comments that it is very hard to see in Singapore)... When I reached there, the beach was virtually empty! Thus I started to have doubts if I am at the correct place (this venue was told to me by my fren's who is in NUS Astronomical Club). I hanged ard for a while and looked at the dark sky for any "unidentified flying objects" but dun have leh...

Ok, I finally decided to drive down further to the other side (cos maybe I was at the wrong place). There were more people at this part of the beach but none seemed to be here to ctahc any meteor showers... sian half... Anyway I hanged ard again and glued my eyes to the sky but was disappointed to announce that still no luck!

Ok, back to Home Sweet Home!

The next day I decided to go online to c if other people had better luck. Apparently they did! Chekc out their response man! (envy! Envy! ENVY!)

One valuable lesson learnt while waiting to catch any meteor: Be patient! (I'll do just that the next time). Anyway still got time before the shower ends! So I'll try my luck again but most pro somewhere near my home heehee (Tat day while driving home from Changi to Clementi, I was so sleepy! Lucky I din got into any accident phew!=)

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